This theme is now replaced by the Solar theme.

This theme has been derived from Mark Otto's project poole. I needed a theme to suit both blogs and project pages and @mdo's themes where just the perfect thing to start off with. Thank you mdo !!

This post mainly contains notes for myself and should be useful to anyone using this theme.

Major Edits in the Theme

  • Pages are more wider.
  • No dynamic sidebar, instead a semi-dynamic list where the Github link changes as per the page active.

Custom page parameters available

  • favicon: 1 - Specify to have the favicon loaded from the folder of the page.
  • desc: some description - Add meta description tag for the page.
  • highlight: 1 - Loads Syntax Highlighter for the page. I use SyntaxHighlighter and not the default 'Pygments' because it doesn't support AutoHotkey.
  • ghlink: - Specify Github URL to have the left hidden sidebar load it and display as '{title} on Github'.
  • nod: 1 - Disable Disqus for the page. Disqus_Id is specified in _config.yml.

Where to use which layout ?

Use layout page for static page, post for a blog post and default for a static page that shows only brief information.

You can view the source of this site at