These days are getting so worked up. For the first time in my life, I have to attend to around 40 emails a day. If you count the replies with them, it will be well over 150. Things have got so busy.

Let me tell you about the work we are doing these days. To start off, our project is called Open Event. Open Event is a software suite to help people manage events, summits, conferences etc with relative ease. The organizers will have the power to manage sessions, speakers, tracks and schedule from a clean and user-friendly interface. They can auto-tweet the sessions, generate a google calendar, post to social networks and do other fancy things with just a click of the button. Then there are android apps for both attendees and organizers. The organizers can use the app to manage the event whereas the attendees can use it to get details about upcoming events, give reviews, vote on stuff and so on. From the web interface, rich data can be shown about the event like the number of sessions, distinct speakers, schedule and other statistics. In other words, a website can be easily generated for the event. Apart from that, the project will feature a rich API which can used by other services to build up on it.

My part

Me and @shivamMg are responsible for the REST API part of the project. The plan is to build a full-proof API that will cover the entire scope of the application. We have started the work using Flask-Restplus as the framework. The GET API part has been done. Now what is needed is to add the PUT, POST and DELETE verbs. We will soon get to it and plan to have a basic version ready before the midterm (26th June). Once midterm is done, we will work on enhancing the API, finding and fixing bug cases, writing docs and improving overall project quality.

This is getting so much fun. The next 3 months will be full of heavy coding. Probably my GitHub streak will cross 100 days :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I am learning so much with every day that passes.

As many as 10 people are working on the Open Event project this summer. Working in such a big group project will be a new experience for me and I am so glad to be a part of it.

That's all for now. See ya !!