Do you use Flask-Restplus ? Have you felt the need of dynamically modifying API output according to condition. If yes, then this post is for you.

In this post, I will show how to use decorators to restrict GET API output. So let's start.

This is the basic code to create an API. Here we have created a get_speaker API to get a single item from Speaker model.

from flask_restplus import Resource, Model, fields, Namespace
from models import Speaker

api = Namespace('speakers', description='Speakers', path='/')

SPEAKER = Model('Name', {
	'id': fields.Integer(),
	'name': fields.String(),
	'phone': fields.String()

class DAO:
	def get(speaker_id):
		return Speaker.query.get(speaker_id)

class Speaker(Resource):
    def get(self, speaker_id):
        """Fetch a speaker given its id"""
        return DAO.get(speaker_id)

Now our need is to change the returned API data according to some condition. Like if user is authenticated then only return phone field of the SPEAKER model. One way to do this is to create condition statements in get method that marshals the output according to the situation. But if there are lots of methods which require this, then this is not a good way.

So let's create a decorator which can change the marshal decorator at runtime. It will accept parameters as which models to marshal in case of authenticated and non-authenticated cases.

from flask_login import current_user
from flask_restplus import marshal_with

def selective_marshal_with(fields, fields_private):
    Selective response marshalling. Doesn't update apidoc.
    def decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            if current_user.is_authenticated:
                model = fields
                model = fields_private
            func2 = marshal_with(model)(func)
            return func2(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

The above code adds a wrapper over the API function which checks if the user is authenticated. If the user is authenticated, fields model is used for marshalling else fields_private is used for marshalling.

So let's create the private model for SPEAKER. We will call it SPEAKER_PRIVATE.

from flask_restplus import Model, fields

SPEAKER_PRIVATE = Model('NamePrivate', {
	'id': fields.Integer(),
	'name': fields.String()

The final step is attaching the selective_marshal_with decorator to the get() method.

class Speaker(Resource):
    @api.doc('get_speaker', model=SPEAKER)
    @selective_marshal_with(SPEAKER, SPEAKER_PRIVATE)
    def get(self, speaker_id):
        """Fetch a speaker given its id"""
        return DAO.get(speaker_id)

You will notice that I removed @api.marshal_with(SPEAKER). This was to disable automatic marshalling of output by flask-restplus. To compensate for this, I have added model=SPEAKER in api.doc. It will not auto-marshal the output but will still show the swagger documentation.

That concludes this. The get method will now switch marshal field w.r.t to the authentication level of the user. As you may notice, the selective_marhsal_with function is generic and can be used with other models and APIs too.